The use of the centrifugal deburring equipment and water recycling systems, offers a speedy finishing solution for mass process of aerospace turbine blades and other components with unrivalled precision and quality of finish. Our machines are constructed with high quality materials and components such as stainless steel, urethane, touchscreen controls, and approved electrical systems.
This system offers the highest quality finish on any part and is superior to vibratory deburring machines, tumblers, centrifugal disc machines, and hand polishing. Our water recycling equipment comes with the same level of quality in regards to construction and processes, recycling water clean enough to reuse or discharge direct to the drains.
This service is also available for the process of other non-aerospace parts. Please call to discuss your needs.
Vibro Polishing and Vibratory polishing is a type of finishing designed for the mass process of manufactured parts and is used to deburr, radius, clean, burnish, descale and brighten a large number of parts.
Superpolish is used to improve the surface finish that offers improved airflow and less resistance mainly on turbine blades and aerofoil parts using a combination of media to attain the desired finish.
It is very effective for the polishing of nozzle guide vanes already welded into a ring.
All processes comply fully with customer specifications and approvals across all industries.